So if you've been reading my blog for a while you might have seen my initial post on ABC's 60's drama Pan Am. You know I was obsessed. And not just obsessed but head over heels in love with the brand new show like many other fans. I love the style and drama of the 60's era and it was much different from other shows out there. However, ratings kept dropping week after week like some Tiger Wood scandal, and that made me sad. I think after a couple of episodes in the season the story lines kept getting more soap opera like than ever, which in my opinion kind of tainted the quality of the show (Ashley Greene guest starring was like adding fuel to the fire). I've had years of experience under my belt from watching shows that epitomized ridiculous drama and I am NOT interested in that stuff. It's not believable and it's a dirty trick just to kick up viewership and to keep the audience captivated. ("OMG, so she'll go and sleep with his brother? JUST DIE!") So high school. Devoted fans like me already are hooked!
Pan Am has SO much potential for greatness, and I believed that ever since the premiere first aired. When I first read about the show coming to broadcast, I was excited and knew I was going to enjoy it...and I wasn't wrong! On my former Tumblr, I would actually blog about it a lot because that's how much the show meant to me. It became a favourite of mine, and I have very few top favourites! I know that competition for television shows to make it is pretty tough but I think that for a show to survive and become a quality drama, you should focus on making the story lines and episodes REAL GOOD. None of those underhanded tricks - unless the stories lead up to it, and it is executed perfectly. Just focus on the show itself, not it's broadcasting performance (although that's unlikely due to the importance of sponsors and advertisers). I mean, look at Nikita. Even with low ratings every week, the show is still top-notch and I wouldn't sacrifice that for more TV's being turned on. Those who don't recognize the greatness that is Pan Am are missing out and as well they should be (lol).

There's so much I would have done differently had I any creative control at all (I like to imagine). I would focus on fleshing out the story lines and introduce more of each character's history slowly and draw it out up to the present and continue so that we can grow and evolve with them as people (yes, like a Korean drama)..not wrap it up in an episode and move on to the next so we can gawk at whatever ridiculous, overly dramatic thing a character does. So. Over. That. I know television is just fiction and mindless entertainment but it shouldn't be entirely unrealistic. Because if you do that, the show will wrap up in fewer seasons. Having a background in Advertising, I'd also go nuts with the marketing and promotional activities and kind of keep in line with advertising efforts like that of Gossip Girl. Pan Am is rife with drama, sexiness, fun and carefree characters, and if you tied that in with it's sustainable competitive advantage - the 60's era featuring a famous airline! - you would increase interest (well, I also like to imagine this would be so). You know that one ad that featured Blake Lively looking like she's about to get it on with the dude on her right?

DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!! Well, keep it different but focus on the high points of the drama, not cute promo shots of the cast rolling out of the airport. Lol. Would you watch a show if you saw a cute print ad like that? Sure, maybe. But it's not the goldmine. The hot pot. The perfect platform for those unnecessary dirty soap opera tricks. If I was walking outside and saw that on a billboard, I'd immediately run home and do as much internet stalking research as I can on the show and check it out so I know what it's all about. So I can get addicted.

Imagine that featured smack dab on a full page print advertisement, blown up and enhanced, with the copy reading "Your go-to destination for steamy passion, glamorous style, sexy drama, and exotic adventures. Sundays at 10/9c on ABC." Well, I just thought of that off the top of my head but yeah!!! I'd tune in immediately. If it works for Gossip Girl, why the hell not! Or put a picture of the actresses at some exotic beach location sipping on drinks and write something else. Ugh.
Well, anyways, what I wanted to say was that I was truly disappointed in the show's cancellation. I know every news outlet and Facebook fan already speculated it wasn't going to see the light of day, but I still had hopes on it surviving, albeit slim hope. I was captivated from the beginning and from then on it was just me and my TV. I also read that it may or may not come back for a second season but possibly online (Amazon) or some cable TV network..and that got me revved up. Even if it's not on television I would still like to see this show alive and kicking. I wish it wasn't on ABC in the first place though. If it were on some other network it might have turned out differently? Although if it does make a comeback with a smaller budget, I'll be happy but a little less so (though I know beggars can't be choosers).
Alas, this is my farewell to thee awesome show. If there is any other official news about it coming back, expect a post or two (hundred). Also, to the producers of the show, please release the first season on DVD. I will buy it up no matter the cost.
Love you forever,
Your Biggest Fan
P.S. No really, come back. I miss the show so much LIKE CRAZY. But please come back with the same cast, crew, and maybe different writers. Thanks.
P.P.S. Below are episodic photos I believe capture the essence of the show that should be used in their ads.